Friday; June 16
I have been thinking about God lately – that is God the Father. There are so many ways God is described in the Bible, but one of the most often used is as our Heavenly Father. Have you ever thought about what kind of a Parent He is? Well, think about this. Most of the time I was growing up, there were two children in our family. My sister and I had different personalities, but we were similar in a lot of ways. Jeane and I had two children – again, they were each their own person, but shared a lot of the same values and characteristics. Even though both my sister and I and our children were similar there were enough differences that made parenting challenging. Now, imagine this – God has had billions of children throughout the history of the world. Some were calm, some are go-getters. Some were even-keeled, some are moody. Some were easy to like, others have required lots of extra attention. Yet, no matter their personality, God loves them! He recognized the value of each a...