Wednesday; November 2
How hard is it for you to disagree with people? Now, before we move on, notice what I didn’t say. I didn’t ask how you deal with people who disagree with you. How we respond (or react) to people who challenge us is a different topic than our ability to confront people we don’t agree with. The ability to disagree with others is a challenge to many of us. Some of us detest conflict to the point that we never do it. We may not agree with the way someone else thinks or acts, but we never say anything about it because we don’t want to get into an adversarial discussion. There are others who tend to find themselves on the other side of the spectrum. We are so convicted in our beliefs that anyone who disagrees with us receives our wrath. The other person’s obvious foolishness is so blatant (because they don’t think like we do) that they need to be addressed and if they don’t change their mind, they need to be crushed. I would imagine that most of us find ourselves somewhere in betwee...