Tuesday; June 1
The other day I was listening to a Bible Class discussing spiritual gifts and heard a different way of approaching the subject. Typically, when we talk about spiritual gifts (or God-given talents), we ask people to assess their own gifts. While we need to be able to identify to how we can personally do the Lord’s work, I think we can struggle with self-awareness. Whether it is humility or insecurity, sometimes we have an issue identifying our talents. Rather than the teacher asking people what abilities God had given them, he asked people to identify the talents the Lord had given their spouse. I thought this was a great approach because not only did it open people’s mouths, it opened their eyes. They were much more willing to express their spouse’s gifts than their own. Hopefully, as one spouse listened to how the other described them, it bolstered each other’s confidence as well as their relationship. Christians are told, “As each one has received a special gift, employ it in ...