Tuesday; August 6
When we think about Christianity, it is easy to imagine it as a worldwide organization of which we are a part. It is tempting to see ourselves as a small cog in a large mechanism that rolls on around the world and into eternity. Even when we reduce the concept to the church, it is possible to envision it as a collection of people with whom we join forces in a spiritual battle. However, when we take this view I think it is easy to miss out on the individual nature of our own personal relationship with God. In essence, Christianity is a personal life lived in a collective environment. Yes, Christians are a part of something larger than themselves, but each one of us has our own responsibility. While this may be a rather academic discussion, I think we can reduce it down to something very personal. Are we doing what we are supposed to be doing as a disciple of Jesus Christ? Sure, it’s great to be part of Christianity, but are...