Tuesday; December 26
I didn’t grow up in Europe, so a lot of what I think I know about the continent comes from television. I remember an episode of M*A*S*H* that made the case that Boxing Day (December 26) was a day on which supervisors and workers exchanged roles. I recently did a quick fact check and I didn’t find that as a standard in today’s society. What I found was that it is more a part of the extended holiday vacation (that includes super special sales). Another thing that I did find was that in years past workers received Christmas “boxes” from customers or employers for their good work throughout the year. So much for learning my history from a sitcom! While we don’t live in Europe, the idea of spending the day after Christmas giving something special to others who aren’t family sounds kind of neat. Maybe we could start a new tradition – helping out others. It sounds kind of fun to give the clerk at grocery store a small gift just for being at work on that day. What about giving a 50% ti...