
Showing posts from July 17, 2017

Tuesday; July 18

I am not sure what prompted the issue:  maybe it was trying to decide where we were going to go for supper … it could have been trying to make a choice about how we were going to spend our vacation … maybe it was trying to decide between which new electronic device(s) I was going to buy.   No matter what the prompt was, I found that I was feeling stressed about what I was going to do.  Then, all of a sudden, it hit me – I am stressing out over blessings!  Why in the world should I be worrying about the wealth of riches I had been handed; I should appreciate what we have been given and not fret about having to make decisions about several good options!  It’s not like I am having to choose between good and bad – when it comes to choosing between two good options I should be satisfied, not stressed. Many of us grew up with the spiritual song “Count Your Blessings” and, while it a great song, maybe a follow-up title could be “Appreciate Your Blessings”....