Thursday; July 26
When we look back on each day, what do we remember? At the end of the day, as we lay in our beds and assess what has happened, do we think about the good or the bad? Do we recall the victories or the defeats? If you are like many of us, our evenings are full of regrets. While this is bad enough in-and-of-itself, have you ever thought about what a defeatist view of today does to tomorrow? If we are counting the losses as we end the day, we are more apt to carry that thought process into tomorrow. The other day I came across a bit of wisdom that said, “Praise the day at night, and life at the end.”. I think we are pretty good at being reflective at the end of our lives – we can look back at what we have done and find significant value in it – but how much more could we accomplish if we ended each day with praise? No, we shouldn’t gloss over negatives, but by ending the day counting our accomplishments, we provide a solid foundation for a better day tomorrow. What do you think a...