
Showing posts from January 21, 2018

Monday; January 22

          It wasn’t too long ago we were being introduced to a great thing referred to as the “Information Superhighway”.  Through this new way of communicating we would have news, knowledge and facts at our fingertips.  Well, like than other type of highway, the newness has worn off.  It is still very functional, practical and easy to use, but potholes and pitstops have become a lot more prevalent.  Over the past few years social and informational networking has become such a part of our lives that it can be overwhelming and confusing.  With all the resources at our disposal we are forced to ask some simple, but vital questions:  What information is true?  What information is important?  What sources of information are reliable?            While “truth in information” is a question for the 21 st Century, this has been an challenge through the ages – not as it applies t...