Monday; January 3
As I write this, our community is preparing for a major storm. We don’t get a lot of really bad weather in Southern Maryland, so when they start talking a winter event that could bring over five inches of snow and twenty-plus mile-an-hour wind, that tends to get our attention. I have already filled up my car and made sure I had enough Diet Cokes to get me through the event. My electronics are charging and I will have a few external chargers on hand to power up my phone and tablet. I don’t know what will happen in the next few hours, but I feel like being prepared for the worst. As predications and communication about potential weather events improve, I see more and more people taking precautions about impending struggles, but I wonder if we are just as prepared when it comes to our spiritual lives? The Bible is very clear that there will be an afterlife for all people. Those who have aligned themselves with God and have lived according to His ways will enjoy the bliss of heaven...