
Showing posts from September 7, 2021

Wednesday; September 8

When I was a youngster, I grew up around church with all the religious sounding words and concepts. Growing up when and where I did, words like repentance, baptism, faith and reconciliation were pretty commonplace. I may have even been able to say words like “propitiation”, but it probably took a few more years to full appreciate their concepts. While I was familiar with many of the spiritually sounding words, I may not have been as entuned to them as I could have been. Take for example, the word “love”. What did it mean to “love your neighbor”? I think I was in high school when my mom provided a simple definition of love when she said it was wanting the best for the people around you. Wow – that made the idea of biblical love so much easier to grasp. Over the last few years, I have done a lot of work in the area of leadership. In fact, I have even become adept at using some of the terms such as “servant leadership”, “resonant leadership” … even “level five leadership”. But ...