Monday; March 7
Typically, by this time of year, I am relishing in the beginning of the Major League Baseball Spring Training. Even when I lived in some pretty cold places where snow covered ball fields well into April (or even May), there was hope that somewhere, someone was playing ball on green grass in the sunshine. Unfortunately, that’s not the case this year. Management and Labor are at an impasse and the Grapefruit and Cactus League remain shuttered. I am not going to get into the particulars of what’s going on, rather I am going to make a generic statement – a sport that has been declining in popularity over the last few years could ill-afford to alienate fans and spectators. An industry that was struggling to stay relevant is in dangerous territory with this stoppage. As I thought about this dilemma, I got to thinking about the impact the Christian church is having on people – or maybe not having on people. If our goal is to reach people, we sure aren’t going to do it by being involve...