
Showing posts from June 9, 2024

Monday; June 10

A couple of weeks ago I was dealing with a physical malady. In all honesty, I didn’t feel bad and it really didn’t stop me from doing what I wanted to do – I just kind of felt bad and I was tired of it. I recently heard someone say that if you treat a cold, you will feel better in seven days – and if let it go untreated, you’ll get well in about a week. Honestly, as it turned out, that was pretty much what happened. I tried to medicate myself to help speed up the recovery, but I don’t know that it helped all that much. About a week after I started feel bad, I started feeling better. As I thought about this inconvenience, it reminded me of how tempting it is to try to do things as quickly as possible. We want to fix our issues fast – and we want to limit our exposure to inconvenience to as little as possible; however, for a lot of things in life, they just take time. We can try a lot of quick fixes, but often the thing that makes things better is time – and patience. There ...