Thursday; April 2
While much of the world has been technologically advancing over the past several years, the internet connection at our church building had been woefully slow. Due to circumstances beyond our control, up until a couple of weeks ago our access to the digital world was being throttled by a DSL connection. Thankfully (and I would like to think providentially) a couple of weeks ago we were able to get connected to blazing fast internet speeds. That is the good news, the bad news is that while the rest of the world was fine-tuning their digital presence we were just getting out of the starting blocks. I tell you this to highlight a conversation I had with one of our members last week. He asked me if we were going to livestream our lesson on Sunday. I said that, while my intention was to get to that point, I wasn’t prepared and offered a couple of lame excuses as to why not. I expected him...