Thursday; August 12
I am not one of those people who responds to the social media questionnaires. Part of it has to do with the tenuous relationship I have with social media, the other is that I don’t want to think that hard. (Years ago, when it was in vogue to ask, “If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?” during job interviews, I didn’t do too well. Maybe I am not clever or creative enough.) However, not being one to miss a bandwagon, I would like to offer you a three-question quiz: 1. What was the last thing that made you laugh out loud? 2. If you could spend an hour in your happy place, where would you go? 3. What is the one thing that you haven’t done that you always wanted to do? Now the reason for these questions is not to have you answer them online, my hope is that you will answer them to yourself in the quietness of your own room – then, I have an assignment for you. After answering these questions, I would like for you to answer these three questions: 1. How can you recreat...