Friday; August 24
When we envision Jesus, what comes to mind? Many of us who grew up when Bibles came with zippers (if you are old enough, you will know what that means) are familiar with the image of Jesus as the frail, pale, long-haired figure in one of the artist’s renditions found in the middle of our Bibles. Others of us might have been influenced by the phrase of the “suffering servant”. Some might reflect upon the battered and beaten image of the humble Man on the cross. While there might be merit in these images, I heard a song the other day that brought another image to mind. The chorus of the song stated, “The Lamb became the Lion and the Lion became the King!”. I really like that! All of a sudden, the image of Jesus changes from being helpless to being matchless! Sometimes the Book of Revelation can be a challenge, but there is one thing for certain – Good Wins! As the Apostle John relates his vision he mentions an interesting occurren...