Monday; February 3

Living as close as we do to the location of last week’s tragic air crash it was almost a foregone conclusion that our community would be impacted by the tragedy – and it was.  Our community lost friends, family members, co-workers and neighbors.  While we are not alone in our loss – honesty, this type of event has an impact on our whole nation – it did hit close to home.  As we reflect on last week’s events, there are a couple of observations I like to make.  

First, if you are grieving, please accept our condolences.  We pray that you will be comforted and we extend an offer that if there is anything we can do to help soften this horrific blow we are willing to help in whatever way we can. 

Second, while we cannot undo the terrible impact of what happened, we can use this as a reminder to fill each day with all the joy, hope and richness that can be packed into it.  We never now what lays ahead for us so we should purposefully live each day, each hour and each moment.  Let’s not leave anything undone nor waste a moment of time the Lord has given us.  The early church leader wrote (and last week’s events highlight) this simple but sobering fact, “Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.” (James 4:14).  Our prayer is that the Lord will bless us with more time – but let’s make it our conviction to fill the time we do have with meaning. 

Think About It!  (And remember, we will be thinking about you!)

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