Thursday; January 23
One day when Jesus was out with some of His closest disciples, He experienced a “transfiguration” and was seen with two great figures from Jewish history – Moses and Elijah. Folks, I am not exactly sure what happened on the mountain that day, but it was significant enough that Peter wanted to memorialize that moment with three monuments (tabernacles). However, before the work could be started, “Then a cloud formed, overshadowing them, and a voice came out of the cloud, ‘This is My beloved Son, listen to Him!’” (Mark 9:7). As Peter and the others gathered their wits, they looked around and the only one of the three that was left was Jesus.
There are a lot of neat parts of this story, but I think the theme is that when it comes to modern believers, we must stay focused on Jesus. Sure we can learn from others and we might even look up to some great figures in history, but when the dust clears our eyes had better be permanently focused on Jesus. His words are the final answer to the questions of life.
Where do we seek the purpose and meaning in life? Where are we looking for truth?We’d better focus on Jesus because, in the end, He will be the last one standing!
Think About It!