Monday; January 13
Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all be perfect? Well, it might be nice, but we know it’s not going to happen. However, just because we can’t be perfect doesn’t mean that we should stop trying.
Now, while it would make life easier if we could get everything correct, just because we mess up doesn’t mean that we end up being failures. In fact, messing up isn’t the end of the world – especially if we do something productive with our mistakes. A lot of times people will talk about learning a lesson from their mistakes, but I think there is something equally important. We can make the most of our mistakes by teaching people what should be done when an error is committed. Whether it is seeking forgiveness or making things right, when we properly handle our mistakes, they can be turned into something valuable. No, this doesn’t mean we should sin intentionally just so that we can turn them into something productive, but it does mean that when we when we do sin we can make lemonade out of life’s lemons.
Have we recently messed up? If so, let’s not give up hope or give in to despair. We are all going to fail, the mark of our lives will be determined by what we doing with it.
Think About It!