Friday; January 3
What kind of friends do you have? While most of us would probably say that we have good friends, sometimes I wonder if the people we are hanging around are actually good for us. Yes, I believe that having a friends is a good thing, but I also think that having good people as good friends is where the true blessing lies.
While being surrounded by people will keep us from getting lonely, it is the quality of our fiends that will actually help us find contentment. If we are constantly surrounded by uncaring, loud-mouthed, contentious people, we might not find much comfort in them. In fact if our friends aren’t on a superior level, they might actually decrease the joy we find in life. Remember, it was the biblical wise man who observed, “Drive out the scoffer, and contention will go out, even strife and dishonor will cease.” (Proverbs 22:10).
Let’s take the time to cultivate good relationships. While it may feel exciting to be in the midst of large group of acquaintances, there are times when we might need to strip away some of the toxicity some people bring with them. Even if we have to sacrifice the numbers to raise the collective spirit, we will be better off in the long run.
Think About It!