Wednesday; January 1
What do you have planned for 2025? This is the time of year many of us will make it a point to plan out our year. For some of us, we’ll ponder health considerations. Others of us will try to correct some personality trait. A few of us might reflect upon work-related goals. Now, while all of these can be good, I want to ask you to take a few minutes and think about your spiritual goals. What do you hope to accomplish in this year’s Bible Study? What sin do you plan to overcome? How will your evangelistic approach improve in 2025? I realize that New Year’s resolutions typically don’t involve spirituality, but lets’ not forget what Jesus told His early disciples, “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33).
Through the years most of us have learned how hard it is to keep a resolution into February, but if we are willing to focus on spiritual goals and solicit the guidance of the Lord, we might be able to find what has been missing in making convictions stick. When we elevate our game by elevating our goals, we just might have more success.
Now, what was it that you wanted to accomplish this year? In addition to losing thirty pounds, learning another language and discovering a new favorite vacation location maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea to include something that can raise our spiritual development. When we do that, not only will it help us enjoy 2025, it just might provide a stepping stone toward finding joy throughout eternity.
Think About It!