Thursday; December 26

So what are we going to do to help our neighbor today?  For the last several weeks there has been a push to do be good and do good to our neighbors.  Interestingly, this doesn’t have to stop on December 26.  We haven’t been caring enough through the last few weeks to carry us through to next Thanksgiving – our desire to help others should know no season!

You may be thinking that I am a bit harsh coming off of the holiday season where people are typically their most generous; but I hope I don’t come across that way.  My message is that we CAN be good and generous all year long.  We don’t need a holiday or even a reason for a season of kindness – we can (and should) practice it every day of the year. 

Let me ask a question – did you like the way you felt as you laid your head down on your pillow on Christmas Eve?  Did you feel satisfied that you had made a difference in the lives of your community?  If so, you can have that feeling every day just by demonstrating love and concern for people as you go on your journey through life.  Don’t wait until next December to be a good neighbor – start your new year off on the right foot by caring and sharing. 

Think About It!

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