Friday; December 6
On December 6, 1941 the world climate was anything but calm; but I doubt that anyone could have expected what would happened at 7:48 a.m. the following day at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. A force of over 350 Japanese aircraft rained bombs and devastation on the U.S. Pacific Fleet stationed in the harbor. Before the attack was over, almost 2500 people were killed and hundreds of American resources were damaged or destroyed. In retrospect, the date that continues to live in infamy probably shouldn’t have been a surprise, but played out in real time, it was. Not only did it shock Americans it launched us headlong into a World War.
As I think about the December 7 attack on Pearl Harbor, it reminds me of something that Peter predicted, “Know this first of all, that in the last days mockers will come with their mocking, following after their own lusts, and saying, ‘Where is the promise of His coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation.’” (II Peter 3:3-4). While we don’t know what it will be, we have been promised that the Lord is coming back. Sure, people have tried to read the signs; but the fact remains that the timing uncertain; however, we can count on the second coming of the Lord. We may not know when, but there should be no doubt that it will happen. The proper question for us in 2024 isn’t the timing, it is the preparation. Are we ready? Had the sailors and civilians known about the impending attack by the Japanese, they would have been prepared – as should the world today be about the coming of Jesus.
Jesus isn’t coming back just to destroy the earth, His return will signal the salvation of mankind. Are we ready – to be protected from destruction and prepared for salvation? Let’s remember that infamous date and not wait until it is too late to prepare!
Think About It!