Friday; November 29
If you are like me, you have been studying the Black Friday sales for a while now. After thinking about what you need (or more probably, what you want) you have scoured the ads for just the right thing at just the right price that will fill the void. Now some of those items you have been able to purchase online and have them delivered to your house, but others might require a special trip to a special store (maybe even at a special time) to acquire the thing that was going to make you happy.
As I thought about the American phenomenon known as Black Friday, I got to wondering what would happen if we applied this much diligence in our spiritual lives as we do our shopping. What failings in our lives could we fix or what joys could we attain by thinking about what we need and pursuing the biblical principles necessary to fill void? As I pondered this, I got to thinking about what Paul told Timothy, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (II Timothy 2:15). The old standby, the King James Version, started this verse with “study”. Either way, the idea is to put forth the effort it takes to become the best we can be.
I hope you are able to find the perfect deal on the perfect gift today. However, more importantly, I hope you are able to determine what needs to be done to become the premier person you can be.
Think About It!