Tuesday; October 8

I have always had a fascination with weather.  I not only enjoy the changes of season, I also enjoy playing along with those who forecast it.  I don’t have near the education of a beginning meteorologist, but I do know a little bit about climate, so I tend to analyze their forecasts.  Years ago, predicting the weather seemed to be more art than science and it was kind of fun to make sport of the forecasters when they missed on their prediction.  Now that we have so many tools at our disposal, forecasting has gotten more precise.  Using the tools available to those in the profession, the future is less uncertain.  Oh, they still miss sometimes, but their predictions are usually spot on.  We can have a good idea of how to prepare for the elements. 

As I thought about the human prognosticators, I got to thinking about spiritual prophets.  You see, the difference between them and modern weather people is that those who were led by the Spirit of God aren’t going to miss.  They are speaking the word of not just Someone who can look into the future, they are guided by the One who controls the future.  

The reason I bring this up to remind us of what these prophets of God have said about the future of this earth.  One of these inspired individuals promised, “But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat, and the earth and its works will be burned up.” (II Peter 3:10).  We can plan all we want about the future of this world, but we must remember that eventually it will be destroyed and all that will be left will be a spiritual world.  Are we preparing to live our lives in spiritual judgement?  We can be assured the time is coming – will we be prepared for it? 

Think About It!

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