Tuesday; October 15

When most of us read the conversion story involving Cornielius we think about one of the early Gentile believers.  Up to this point in the history of the Christian church, most of the disciples came from a Jewish background, Cornielius blew open the gates to all types of believers.  While this is a cool story, I think there is another “conversion story” in this account.  The Apostle Peter had grown up with a Jewish mindset that probably extended beyond his dietary restrictions, but as God was preparing Cornielus to accept Jesus, He was also preparing Peter to accept Cornielus by giving him a vision.  We learn of Peter’s change when Luke reports Peter’s interaction with the Romans, “And he said to them, ‘You yourselves know how unlawful it is for a man who is a Jew to associate with a foreigner or to visit him; and yet God has shown me that I should not call any man unholy or unclean.’” (Acts 10:28).  Not only was Peter changed, so were many of the attitude of the early Christian leaders. 

Have you ever entered into a relationship with someone expecting to change them but were changed yourself?  It may have been a boyfriend, business partner, friend or even an evangelistic contact – but there are times when they improve us.  Sure, there is always a danger that someone might lower our standards, but if we choose carefully, we can become better as we help others improve. 

Is there someone working on you now?  Is it helping you to grow? 

Think About It!

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