Tuesday; September 3

I would imagine that when the Lord told the apostles, “… you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.” (Acts 1:8) they envisioned going out and overwhelming the world with the good news of Jesus.  I can envision them planning the trips and the triumphal crusades they would be involved in.  I doubt very seriously that they thought that it would be persecution that would often lead (or drive) people deeper into the world with the saving message of Christianity; however, that is exactly what happened.  Sure, there were times when the disciples were met with excitement as they preached Jesus, but all too often, what spread the Word of God was them being run from one town to the next – but as they went, they never neglected to speak of the saving nature of Jesus. 

Isn’t it interesting, that the message that changed the world got its start by being spread through persecution?  When most of us think of persecution we think of negativism or defeat, but in the hands of our God even persecution can turn into something positive.  When we look into the adversarial world today what do we see?  Are we convinced that they will defeat Christianity or do we see a chance for the advancement of the gospel?  Remember, if there could be a spiritual revival in the 1st Century there is room (and power) for one in the 21st Century. 

Think About It!

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