Thursday; September 19

I am going to ask a political question, but it is a rhetorical one.  For those of you who read this on my social media page, please do not write your answer because I will delete it.  I am not trying to promote a candidate, I am trying to promote thought.  So, with the ground rules out of the way, here is the question:  Why are you voting for the person you are voting for?  Now, notice that I didn't ask you for a name, I want you to think of the reason.  I am not trying to get you to follow my rationale, I just want you to consider yours.  Are you voting for fiscal reasons?  Is your main focus the promotion of a moral platform?  Are you doing it because you have always voted that way and you aren't about to change it now?  Why are you voting for your candidate?  Now, after answering that question, here is a bonus one, “Why is your neighbor, friend, enemy, co-worker, Christian brother or sister voting the way they are?”  Oh, by the way, are you assuming you know the answer to their voting habits or have you asked them directly? 

I am thankful we get a chance to cast our votes but I also want us to realize why we are doing it.  Interestingly, I believe that by understanding why we are doing what we are doing will help us be a little more tolerate of the opinions of others.  None of us grew up in the same way, so we all see the world (and our nation) through a unique set of lenses.  When we come to realize that there is no one way to think, we might be able to pull off an election with a lot more thought and a lot less pettiness! 

Think About It!

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