Monday; September 9

Even though I believe I can be adaptable and even effective if I have to act quickly, I like to be prepared.  Whether it is for an upcoming sermon or leaving for vacation, I do like to have my ducks in a row well before the time to do what I need to do arrives.  More often than not, I have the time to prepare and I am getting better about using that time to be ready. 

Now, while preparation to accomplish a task can be advantageous, there is one time in our lives when preparation is vital – the moment when our lives are over and we are standing before God in judgement.  The interesting thing about this is that it shouldn’t take any of us by surprise.  While the exact moment we will leave this earth might be a mystery, the fact that we will all die and will be held accountable shouldn’t surprise any of us.  Even if you didn’t know this before you started this article, you are aware of it now.  The Bible affirms Jesus’ saving power by using something certain when it records, “And just as it is destined for people to die once, and after this comes judgement …” (Hebrews 9:27).  Folks, we are going to die and we are going to be judged by the lives we lived and the relationship with have (or had) with God! 

Centuries ago, an Old Testament prophet warned the people of Israel that God was watching them and would hold them accountable for what they did by quoting, “Therefore so I will do to you, Israel; because I will do this to you, prepare to meet your God, Israel.” (Amos 4:12).  History proves to us what God can do to those who reject His relationship – so even today, the call to prepare to meet your God rings loud and clear!         

Think About It!

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