Friday; September 20

Not long ago I was in an environment where a substantial number of people with spiritual dietary restrictions were eating in restaurants where I was eating.  As I watched this process, I thought about a couple of things.  First, several of the challenges faced by the New Testament church are still around today.  Some of the letters written by the Apostle Paul included discussions about dietary restrictions and how we should approach them.  After years of looking at this academically, it was interesting to come face-to-face with this on such a large scale.  The other observation was how committed these folks were to what they ate and didn't eat.  Even to the point of what foods could be prepared together (or even touched on a plate), they were quite committed to their lifestyle.  While I don't share their philosophies, it was interesting watching them navigate the challenges they faced. 

As I look back on this experience, I am reminded that as believers we have a responsibility to take our Christianity seriously.  It is easy to get into a laze-fare approach to our beliefs – and even convince ourselves that there is no need to fight the world, so we should join them – however, that isn't what it means to be spiritually sanctified.  The same writer who called on new Christians to understand the freedoms they had also reminded them, “Pay close attention to yourself and your teaching; persevere in these things, for as you do this you will ensure salvation both for yourself and for those who hear you.” (I Timothy 4:16). 

Do we know what we believe?  Are we doing it? 

Think About It! 

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