Wednesday; August 14

On July 29, 1981 Prince Charles of England and Lady Diana Spencer were married.  Some of you have no clue what I am talking about, but for many of us it was the wedding of a lifetime – if not the social event of our generation.  In an almost fairy tale event, the royal couple tied the knot with much of the world looking on.  It was an event for the ages.  Well at least the wedding was – the marriage didn’t go so well.  While the divorce was finalized in 1996, the marriage began to fall apart much earlier.  What started as a glorious event ended in a shambles. 

On August 14, 1981 another wedding took place.  This one wasn’t in some glamourous cathedral, it was in a small church in South Florida.  I am sure a few thousand dollars were spent on the event, but it paled in comparison to the millions that were spent in England.  Yet, the biggest difference is the love and commitment that Jeane and I have had for each other during the last 43 years.  The key to a solid relationship isn’t spending a lot of money on a wedding, it is investing in a relationship within the marriage. 

Are you thinking about getting married?  If so, don’t spend as much time planning the event as you do preparing for your lives together.  A fancy wedding might make good pictures, but love and commitment are what make lasting memories. 

Think About It!

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