Tuesday; August 6

When we think about Christianity, it is easy to imagine it as a worldwide organization of which we are a part.  It is tempting to see ourselves as a small cog in a large mechanism that rolls on around the world and into eternity.  Even when we reduce the concept to the church, it is possible to envision it as a collection of people with whom we join forces in a spiritual battle.  However, when we take this view I think it is easy to miss out on the individual nature of our own personal relationship with God.  In essence, Christianity is a personal life lived in a collective environment.  Yes, Christians are a part of something larger than themselves, but each one of us has our own responsibility.  

While this may be a rather academic discussion, I think we can reduce it down to something very personal.  Are we doing what we are supposed to be doing as a disciple of Jesus Christ?  Sure, it’s great to be part of Christianity, but are we doing our part as Christians?  While there is a greater Christian movement, we have a responsibility to live properly and effectively in those specific Christian moments!  Maybe the most important realization is that just connecting with a church or identifying with Christianity isn’t what saves us, it is own personal interaction with our Lord that will determine our eternal destiny.

Let’s do our best to find our place in the universal nature of the kingdom of God.  However, as we do that, let’s make it a point to do our best to win our own individual victory over sin and satan.

Think About It!

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