Thursday; August 8

What is important to us?  I think that, anecdotally, we can try to tell our story; but is there a way we can quantify our priorities?  Now, I realize this is not a scientific calculation, but I think there are some ways to figure out what is important to us:

1.  Look at our finances.  As we go through our checkbooks or our debit card receipts, where are we spending our money?  We work hard for our money, so whether we do it intentionally or not, we invest in what is important to us.  This is especially important when it comes to our discretionary income.  If we want to know what’s important, let’s do the calculations.

2.  Look at our calendars.  If you are like me, it is easy to allow time to get away from us, however, we make urgent things our priorities.  We will find time for what we want to do.  Now, interestingly, they may not be specific appointments in our calendar, but if we did an actual accounting of our time, we’d find out what we want to do.

3.  Be mindful of our emotions.  What generates emotional responses – either positively or negatively?  What excites us?  What angers us?  Whether it is being protective of our children or animated about our politics, those things that generate the most emotions typically speak volumes about our priorities. 

What is important to us?  Are these the things we want to be known for?  If not, let’s be mindful about what we are doing and reestablish our priorities.

Think About It!

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