Friday; August 30

Okay – now that the major players are set for the upcoming political races – what do we do?  For those running for office, the task before them is pretty clear … they are on a course to get elected.  For some of them, they are led by a cause … others are just wanting to win.  In all honesty, those who fall into this category are smallest minority.  Even if you include those organizing the campaigns, there are very few actual people intimately involved in running a political race.  So, that leaves the rest of us.  What should we be doing?  As I have watched our civil system work over the years I think we have invested our time in trying to get people to think (and vote) the way we do, but is that the best we can do?  What if we invested ourselves in making sure that our communities and our nation stayed united no matter what happens in November and January.  Rather than becoming pawns in some great big political machine that keeps things stirred up, what if we were invested in keeping the peace no matter whose party wins?  

Which is more important: promoting our political ideals to the point of driving wedges between different groups of people or making sure that we and our future generations can work together to help everyone to become better?  Unless we are committing to promoting multi-generational peace we are bound to drive wedges deeper into our national fabric.  

Let’s be willing to discuss our differences, but let’s not allow rhetoric to deepen the chasms that exist.  Remember, politicians come and go – but the relationships between our families, friends and neighbors are designed to last a lifetime. 

Think About It!

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