Friday; August 16

I don’t like this season of politics.  We are in a time when people are going to be making accusations about political parties and the candidates they have targeted.  As a history buff, I realize there have been contentious elections, but the rhetoric really doesn’t seem to be getting much better.  I think the thing that has jaded my political view is how personally people have made it.  Now, I believe in the democratic republic in which we live, but I also believe that no matter who we put in Washington, D.C. they will not be able to save us.  No one person will make us significantly better or worse than we are – but, that’s not my point.  You see, the most important observation is that no matter who is elected, they won’t save us!  No human, no matter how much they promise or deliver, will be able to have the ultimate influence on our spiritual lives.  Sure, they might be able to make things a bit better or more convenient to live out our faith, but salvation is left to the Lord.  Interestingly, this isn’t a 21st Century observation, it has been around for thousands of years, in fact King David wrote,  “Praise the Lord!  Praise the Lord, O my soul!  I will praise the Lord while I live; I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.  Do not trust in princes, in mortal man, in whom there is no salvation.”.  (Psalm 146:1-3).


Let’s be willing to civilly discuss our political opinions and options, but let’s remember that if we are looking for a Savior, we have to go back in history to when Jesus lived, died and was resurrected.  No, He didn’t establish a political powerhouse, but He demonstrated the ultimate saving spirit.

Think About It!

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