Thursday; July 11

While I am a little too young to have watched Yogi Berra play very much, I have been fascinated by how he talked. I wonder if things just came out of his mouth or if he was playing to the camera. While there are a lot of Yogisms, I want to focus on a couple of them that – while at first blush they might seem confusing – there just might be some depth to them.

“If you can’t imitate him, don’t copy him.”: According to an explanation that accompanied the quote, it was directed to a young player who was trying to emulate Frank Robinson’s swing. Now, on the surface, this might seem a bit confusing, but I think there may be something to it. How many of us try to do something someone else is doing – only we don’t share the same talents? Whether it is because of a difference in potential or personality, there are times when it might be okay to be inspired by someone; but not try to patten our lives after them. Let’s keep it real!

“When you come to a fork in the road, take it.”: While this might come across as obvious, how many of approach life’s decisions only to choose “none of the above”? Rather than risking a bad choice or heading off in the wrong direction, we just do nothing. Sure, there are some times when following the wrong road can lead to problems, but not making a choice about our future can end up wasting talent and opportunity.

The next time you need a smile, look up some quotes from Yogi Berra. Come to think of it, when you are looking for some inspirational insight … it might not be a bad idea to search some Yogisms as well.

Think About It!

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