Thursday; August 1

I never really noticed it, but August 1 is a pretty interesting (if not depressing) date in history.  Among some of the events on this date were the assassination of King Henry III of France in 1589, the opening of the “Nazi Games” … the Berlin Olympics hosted by Hitler’s German regime in 1936 and a mass casualty shooting on the University of Texas campus in Austin, Texas that killed 14 people and injured 31 in 1966. 

Now, I don’t bring this up to get you down; rather there is a glimmer of hope in my recalling history.  You see, it is easy to see what is going on in the world around us and think that evil is running rampant – and while there is some truth to it – the reality is that the world has always been that way!  Since the beginning of time there have been murders, tyrants and tragedies.  This is nothing new to the planet earth.  Satan has held us captive to his evil agenda from the moment of the first sin.  Solomon penned one of the most eye-opening observations when he wrote, “That which has been is that which will be, and that which has been done is that which will be done.  So there is nothing new under the sun.” (Ecclesiastes 1:9).  You might be wondering where hope can be found in this passage; the answer is that the same God who protected and cared for His people throughout history is available to us.  The same God who delivered the Israelites from bondage or provided emotional peace to Jesus’ closest disciples after His death is available to believers today.  The Lord hasn’t abandoned us in the modern day chaos, He still cares for and provides comfort to His children.

Think About It!

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