Monday; July 29

The XXXIII Olympiad is underway in Paris.  There will always be controversy in any modern international event; but there is still something special about the world coming together to celebrate worldwide competition.  Sure, I like seeing the USA gather up medals, but to me the Olympics have always been about something beyond winning and losing.  It is seeing someone from a small nation participating on the international stage for their 15 minutes of fame.  It is about watching as participants come together and celebrate the victories of their teammates and console their competitors who gave it their best efforts but lost.  It is witnessing the underdogs pull off an unexpected victory and watching as people from around the world honor the world’s best and acknowledge the efforts of even those who come in last. 

 When the Olympics come around I feel a resurgence of some deep-seeded optimism hidden away somewhere inside me and hope that in some small way every two years the Olympics brings the world closer to peace and unity.  Who knows, maybe as we discuss the upsets and victories with people who live down the street or those scattered across the globe, we can get rid of a little bit of the fear and antagonism that is so easily displayed in our world.  Let’s be careful not to allow the true Olympic spirit be smothered by some thoughtless act or nationalistic prejudice.  Let’s enjoy the games for what they represent – a chance for our world to come together in peace in the spirt of competition and cooperation.

Think About It!

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