Wednesday; June 5

What does it take to be successful in the world? If we are able to hold our own in an argument with people who disagree with us – will we be the winner? If we are able to embarrass those who think differently than we do – will we be victorious? If we are so committed to our principles that we are able outlast those who confront us – does that make us triumphant? While being proficient and tenacious can be beneficial, the thing that makes us impressive is what we believe. You see, being opinionated isn’t in-and-of itself important, it is holding the right beliefs. The early church was reminded, “Who is the one who overcomes the world, but the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?” (I John 5:5). In essence, it isn’t how well we can express our opinions, it is developing a reliance on our Lord and Savior.

Let’s not get too reliant on our ability to win. Let’s just make sure we are on the winning team.

Think About It!

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