Tuesday; April 23

Does it seem like the wicked are getting ahead? Does it feel like the people with the fewest morals and values are going the farthest? I guess it might appear that way – depending upon where we stretch the finish line. If we measure success by political prowess, economic advancement or financial status; doing whatever it takes to get ahead might seem like the most expedient route. However, what if we measure things by quality of life and leaving this world better than we found it? When our goals are higher, there is a better way to live.

Centuries ago, when the wise man, Solomon, was teaching his up-and-comers about living the good life he told them, “By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; and by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.” (Proverbs 24:3-4). When the king established the true gold standard for life, he laid the foundation with wisdom, understanding and knowledge. Interestingly, when we first read this we might think that he is talking about material blessings, but what does he really mean by precious and pleasant riches? Are these keys to the good life physical and fiscal possessions or is the reference more about enjoying life – or as Jesus would say, “abundant living”.

What are we pursuing? In what are we investing? We need to be careful, because we just might catch what we are chasing.

Think About It!

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