Monday; March 11

I don’t necessarily consider myself a perfectionist – however, I do have some tendencies in that direction. For instance, I might be a bit disappointed I didn’t score 100% on a test or qualification but as long as I passed the minimum requirement, I won’t lose too much sleep over it. However, there are some things that tend to bother me. If I misquote a scriptural reference in a sermon or class, I tend to dwell on it. If I make a statement of fact that is inaccurate – especially something that others might use in basing a decision – I worry about it and will often try to find ways to correct it. I don’t know that I have ever delved too deeply into exactly what bothers me and what I can let go, but I do know that there are times I want to make sure I not only get things right, I get them “exactly” right.

I realize there are some people who are classic perfectionists and others who might have a make-up similar to mine, so what happens when we come across Jesus’ teaching, “Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” (Matthew 5:48). Interestingly, I have never really struggled with this passage because early on in my life someone helped me to understand that Jesus wasn’t talking about mistake-making, His reference here seems to be maturity. None of us can be faultless, but we can all strive to attain the spiritual maturity exhibited by God. This explanation should not be viewed as an excuse to accept less than our best, rather we can hold on to the fact that if and when we fail to do things perfectly, we aren’t doubly disappointing to God.
Let’s follow in the steps of our Father and His Son. No, we will never live up to their standard, but when that is our goal, our journey will be fulfilling.
Think About It!

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