Friday; September 22

If there is someone known for their insight, it might be Yogi Berra. Notice I didn’t say wisdom because, sometimes, Yogi missed the point. Observations such as “Slump? I ain’t in no slump … I just ain’t hitting.” or “If the people don’t want to come out to the ballpark, nobody’s going to stop them.” aren’t necessarily insightful. However, there were some Yogisms that showed wisdom and on the anniversary of his death in 2015, I thought I’d share one. On one occasion the famous Yankee catcher stated, “You can observe a lot by just watching.” Interesting, this may seem rather simple, but how many of us overlook this principle? It is tempting to think we have things figured out so we stop looking for new observations. Additionally, there are things that we don’t want to see, so we close our eyes to them. There is a lot to life that many of us have not seen, unfortunately, many of us have stopped looking for anything new. We are either content with what we have seen or we are so stuck in our routines that we don’t want to see anything different – so we just close our eyes to anything new or different.

Now, let’s flip this around and consider the alternative. Imagine what we have left to see if we are just willing to look? I have been blessed to get to see a lot of stuff in my lifetime, I hope I am willing to keep my eyes peeled for the new things. Who knows the cools stuff that is just around the next corner.
Do we want to see something new every day? Let’s just live with our eyes wide open!
Think About It!

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