Wednesday; August 9

It is easy to criticize hoarders, but how many of us are “secret” hoarders? We may not have every newspaper from 1980 stashed away in the basement, but how many of us have many of the clothes we have owned since the turn of the century (after all, the Don Johnson look might be making a comeback)? How many of us have expired “cents off coupons” or all the recipes people have given us thought the ages (you’ll never know when you need to make a Bundt cake again)? Look around your desk, how many flash drives do you have stuck in a box somewhere with who-knows-what on them? Most of us a “collectors” of one nature or another – and that’s okay. What isn’t good is when we refuse to let go of our sin. Now, I am not saying we should keep on sinning; my point is that a lot of us hold on to the guilt of sin. Maybe have asked for forgiveness, but we just can’t quite let go of the feeling of inadequacy that came with the error. The bad news is that this type of stockpiling can rob us of some of our joy – the good news is that it is okay to let it go. The Bible affirms, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (I John 1:9); the question is do we believe it?

Are you tired of carrying around old junk form the past? Go ahead and let go of it, God has!

Think About It!

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