Wednesday; August 16

We live in a violent world. Our communities are filled with people who are taking advantage of others. We watch as people live in constant conflict with those around them. (You may be wondering if you should stop reading now – that’s enough negativity for one day – but hang in there with me, I do have a point coming.) It is no secret that people around us are in turmoil, so what should we do? On one hand it would be great if we could just hide behind our gated walls and not make an appearance until it is safe to do so. However, if we who are good conscientious people don’t do something, things are bound to get worse! We can’t sit around and complain about how bad things are, we have to get involved or there is no way it will get any better. However, with that in mind, we must also remember that we can’t make people play nice! We can do what we can do, but eventually those involved in the conflicts must make a decision about how they are going to live. We can’t take it personally if they neglect our advice, sometimes we just need to step out of the way and wait for nature to take its course.

Let’s do what we can to help others, but let’s not get down if they choose to continue down that path toward destruction. When that happens, let’s pray for their safety – and while we are at it, it might be a good idea to pray for society’s safety as well.

Think About It!

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