Tuesday; July 18

I have a confession to make – I take sports way too seriously. Now, let me see if I can explain that. When I was playing, I wasn’t competitive top the point that losing a game sent me into a rage or going into a slump created a tailspin, but when it comes to following my favorite teams, their performance can have a negative impact on me. When they are winning, life is good; but I do tend to get a bit discouraged when they lose (especially when they should have won the game). Logically, I realize I have no real impact on how well they do, but there is just something disheartening when they lose. Unfortunately, since I am a baseball fan, I have a lot of chances for discouragement. Even the best of teams are going to lose over sixty times in the matter of a few months. I know it is illogical, but it is a challenge for me. I am working on it, but periodically, I struggle with reality.

Is there something you know shouldn’t bother you, but it still does? Maybe it is traffic, the news, your kid’s sporting events, the weather or something equally less logical. We can’t control these things, but they bother us anyway. If there is something you struggle with, there are two keys that need to be addressed. First, acknowledge the problem, then work to become less emotionally connected with the issue. When we return logic into our thought process, we might just be able to stay out of the doldrums.

Think About It!

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