Thursday; June 8

At the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, He turned a lot of things on their heads. Throughout history, it appears that those who had led revolts and rebellions had been warriors. They were the toughest, so they won! They were radical so they preached a caustic message that put them at odds with status quo. So, it might have been a little odd to be standing there listening to the new religious influence say, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.”. (Matthew 5:9). How can you change the world by bringing peace? How can this movement succeed without agitation and ruffling feathers?

Thankfully, Jesus’ message has been handed down to 21st Century believers. Now, His disciples are known for their peace and love. (What does that tell us about those who preach discord, animosity and disunity?) While the primary emphasis of this message is bringing peace into interpersonal relationships, I also believe there is a secondary message to this admonition. Those people who help their fellowman find an internal peace will be rewarded as well. Our world tends to breed uncertainty and internal conflict, so those who have the ability to calm those personal storms are valuable. Whether it is by offering a caring touch, a soothing word or an insightful thought, peacemakers who help us relax are quite valuable.

Do you have the gift of making peace – are you using it? Do you know people who make you more peaceful – are you spending them with them?

Think About It!

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