Wednesday; March 8

I often hear critics of Christianity complain that one of the reasons they don’t believe in it is the inconsistent application of its principles. They will cite times when people said one thing, then did something completely contradictory with their claims. They will point out instances when those who professed to be Christians did evil – sometimes even in the name of Christianity. Whether it was an individual who initiated a mass casualty event, a political leader who used religious writings for their own advantage or a government that abused nations in the name of religion critics of Christianity they have ample examples of ways the doctrine has been ignored, misused or just plain ignored. If you are apt to criticize these types of people, please remember that not everyone who professes to be a Christian is. In fact, not everyone who claims to be a Christian is accepted by those who truly live the life. The harshest critics of someone who misuses Christian principles should be Christians themselves. Unfortunately, there are times we are too eager to protect our name that we paint ourselves into a corner and find ourselves scrambling to defend someone whose actions are indefensible. Christianity isn’t a title we pin on someone based on their statements, it is a description earned by actions – appropriate actions! Christianity isn’t a name, it is a lifestyle. Please don’t paint everyone with the same brush.

Now, to those who profess Christianity, let me asks a couple favors: first, if you are going to call yourself a Christian, act like it and second, if you see someone doing evil in the name of Christianity condemn it. Christianity is all about truth – not just in what we teach, but what we accept as well.
Think About It!

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