Monday; February 13

Overshadowed by yesterday’s big game was the 214th Anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s birth. The man who would become the 16th president of the United States was born in Kentucky a mere three decades after our nation was founded. Lincoln was important in shaping our nation’s policies and perspectives, but the thing that tends to draw me to him is just how quotable he was. While some of his famous words have come from speeches, the ones that tend to impress me come from his conversations. The other day I was reading a few of his sayings when I came across this one, “How many legs does a dog have if you call his tail a leg? Four. Saying that a tail is a leg doesn’t make it a leg.”. This quote may have come from the 19th Century, but it is as applicable today as in the day it was uttered. There are a lot of people who are trying to rephrase principles to fit their agenda; but the truth of the matter is that truth is still what matters. We can try to be as convincing as possible, but just saying something doesn’t make it so. We can repeat it countless times, we can vote on it, we can say it louder than anyone around us; but that isn’t what makes something truth. Only fact can do that.

Let’s be cautious of the people who are trying to sell us five-legged dogs. When we stick with the truth, no amount of salesmanship should be able to divert us from what is authentic.

Think About It!

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