Thursday; September 22

Have you ever met someone who did not want the responsibility of being a teacher? They might have had the mental acuity to be able to educate others, they just didn’t want to be accountable for influencing the lives of others. They might even refer to the New Testament and advocate, “Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, knowing that as such we will incur a stricter judgment.” (James 3:1). Now, while I understand their hesitancy, there must also be a continuity. You see, if people do not want to bear the responsibility of teaching others, they mustn’t use their influence to sway other people’s opinions. If they aren’t willing to be formal teachers, they probably need to stop posting on social media or trying to shape opinions by debating philosophies. It is incongruous to claim that we don’t want to be “teachers” where safeguards and protocols are in place to ensure validity; but to use our position as informal leaders to get people to do what we want them to do or think the way we want them to think.

The point of this article isn’t to try to hush people, rather it is to encourage us to take on our responsibility to serve as teachers. If we have the skill to influence people, let’s utilize it to the best of our ability! Can you teach? Are you?

Think About It!

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