Wednesday; July 20

Every once in a while, I will write something I sense will not be popular. I don’t necessarily go out of my way to antagonize people; but periodically I have thoughts that might not resonate with some people and I have a feeling that today is going to be one of those days. The topic for today is pets. Now, how could something as innocent as Fluffy or Spike be controversial – when they become a substitute for human interaction. I understand the appeal to having a pet and even the good feelings we get from them, but we must be cautious that these animals do not become a substitute for people. Whether it is in the relationships we seek with them or in the honor we give them, we must make sure that we don’t elevate them to the point where we mistake them for being human (or even something more special). When God created animals, He provided us with a wonderful blessing; but they were never intended to supersede our relationship with people. They were not to become the standards by which we evaluated the valor of people nor were they to become substitutes for human contact.

As I thought about this, I got to wondering why today’s society values our pets the way we do, and I believe it is because they can be easier to “love” than humans. They don’t demand a reciprocation of emotions, nor do they challenge us to become better. They have no true feelings, nor do they have a spiritual conscience, so they merely accept us for who we are – good or bad. They don’t express their disdain or disagreement, so we can have a one-sided relationship with them without worrying about what they need or what they expect.

I believe there is value in owning a pet, but we must be careful that we don’t allow them to become substitutes for the relationships God ordained – those with real people. Humans are the ones who can make us better and more fulfilled. Let’s enjoy spending time with our pets, but let’s make sure we invest our lives in people.

Think About It!

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