Tuesday; May 17

While there is logic associated with the Bible, there some things that don’t quite make sense – at least not in the human mind. Take, for example, Paul’s writings to church leaders, “Accept the one whose faith is weak, without quarreling over disputable matters.” (Romans 14:1). Wait a minute, aren’t the newbies supposed to follow the more mature? Shouldn’t those with a more solid faith be regarded as the experts and lead the way? On one hand we can see the rationale of the strong getting their way, but let’s look at this from the Scripture’s perspective for a second. When people are new or weak in their faith, they are vulnerable to satan’s influence. Before having the chance to grow deeper roots, they might be susceptible to their emotions overwhelming their conviction. Their opinions might not produce the most advanced actions, but they might view those who conflict with them as the enemy and that might cause them to reject the faith. Please don’t be mistaken – Paul would never mortgage the truth for peace, but when it comes to matters of opinions, it may be better to back down rather than drive people away.

Are we willing to swallow our pride and let someone have the last word – even when can defend our position? When we can back down and lift someone up in the process everyone wins.

Think About It!

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